Public Service Quality in Administration in Kalidoni Kelurahan Office, Palembang City


  • Femi Asteriniah Undergraduate Program, Department of Public Administration, University of Social and Political Science (STISIPOL) Candradimuka Palembang, Indonesia



public service, quality of service, administration sector


This reseach aims to examine service quality of Kalidoni urban village Office, Palembang City, the supporting and inhibiting factors of service at Kalidoni village office, Palembang City. This research used a qualitative approach with a descriptive level of explanation. Data or information is collected through informant interviews. The results showed that based on the Tangible dimension (physical evidence), the availability of facilities and infrastructure to support the convenience of services such as waiting rooms, parking lots, toilets, prayer rooms, suggestion boxes, and service counters at Kalidoni village office, Palembang City Based on the dimension of reliability, service procedures are a little indifferent due to improper turnaround time. Based on the dimension of Responsiveness, officers do not give a positive response to community complaints, and there is no follow-up to the criticisms and suggestions submitted. Based on the dimension of Assurance, there is still a delay in the process of completing the services provided that are not in accordance with the existing standard operating procedures because there are still people who do not complete the required requirements, so they are required to complete these requirements to be able to continue the procedure. Empathy dimension (Empathy), the lack of attention given by the officers and the lack of hospitality received by the community are complaints that are often raised by the public.


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